Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Lady in a bar

Out of the darkness of the drizzling rain, thunder rippling along the edges of the Valley, I stepped into a room bright, red and yellow
Steve said hello.
And there she was.

Sitting at a table to a well dressed man without a face
I didn’t know desire had such clear skin.
She has soft eyes and an oval face
Hair that was shorter than I on other occasions would have preferred
And other days I got her to smile and laugh more.
She has a ticklish laugh and a weak heart
We danced a jig

I kicked her high in the air
She told me later her first dances were with me
She is light on her feet.

She was so serious tonight
Wearing the look of killers not wanting to do the deed.
Was it because others were watching?
Was it because the hammer was about to fall?
Was it because she was manning her defenses after the commander surrendered unconditional?
I didn’t know and pretended not to care

She was serious
I urged her, dared but didn’t beg
She warned me
Life and love is like rugby, you’re going to get hurt
I did not say those words exactly
She understood my words precisely

Her gaze returned like the familiar spring
We took turns staring at each other
Except that I looked more stupid
As she grew in grace

I paid the bar man
She walked me to my car
For a second time, I told her to kiss me and talk to me sometimes
I had already exceeded my quota of maximum allowable kisses

And again our parted lips met
The Intersection of two souls
The port from one world to another
The momentary experience of pleasure
The gift of a deathless promise
This and me and my night was over.

She is So Awesome

She is so awesome
This I know is true
She dances with a quickness of hummingbird and is lighter than rain

She is so awesome
This I know is true
She cares. She loves me even if she says otherwise

She is so awesome
This I know is true
She is the challenge of the new me
She is the future of what still could be
She is the mother of smiles
She is wife to laughter
She is companion in health and labor
She is partner in woe and wiles

She is so awesome
Because she is so true

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